Request to Terminate Housing Agreement
By filling out the Request to Terminate Application, you are officially requesting release from the housing agreement, including financial obligations associated with the agreement. Filling out this application does not mean that you are approved to terminate or check out of your space at this time. A decision will be emailed to your NMSU email. If you are not approved and decide to check out of your space, you will continue to be billed the length of the agreement term and additional charges may be incurred to your student account. Approved requests will be processed as per the refund schedule found in the housing agreement. Requests for termination will be reviewed individually and shall be considered in accordance with the Housing and Residential Life housing agreement. If approved for termination, you will be required to check out as outlined below.
- Residents who do not follow the proper procedure as outlined in this agreement, will be charged for an improper check out, along with any damage or cleaning charges. Please note, if not approved for termination, all housing charges will still apply.
- If termination is immediate, check-out must occur within a timely manner (within 48 hours) hours of approval. If termination is effective at the end of the fall term, check-out must occurwithin 48 hours of your last final exam or academic commitment.
- Visit the Service Desk for your area (located in Garcia Hall lobby, Chamisa Village Clubhouse, or in the South Campus office on Center Drive) in order to obtain an Express Check-Out envelope. You will need to present an email from that confirms you are approved to check-out.
- Remove all belongings from the room/apartment. Thoroughly clean the room/apartment, including all commonly shared spaces.
- Before leaving, turn your Express Check-Out envelope, with keys inside, in to the appropriate Service Desk.
- In the case of formal withdrawal from the University, contact the main Housing Office (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) by phone 575-646-3202 or email to after your check-out to complete the withdrawal process.
- It is your responsibility to check with the ID Card Services office to confirm the status of your meal plan. Termination of your housing agreement does not indicate termination of your meal plan agreement.
- By submitting this Petition to Terminate you are indicating that you have read the instructions noted above.
Reminder: Failure to check out properly will result in the assessment of a financial penalty. Housing charges continue until formal check-out has occurred. (In some cases, full rental charges may still be assessed).

To submit your request to terminate your housing agreement, please log into your MyHousing portal in MyNMSU and fill out the Request To Terminate Application.