Living Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are groups of students who share a common interest and live together in the residence halls or apartments. LLCs are a fabulous way to get connected on campus because they provide social and educational opportunities to support student success.

There’s no extra cost to live in an LLC, but the benefits are huge! Nationally, students who live in LLCs are more satisfied with their college experience and have better academic outcomes.

Some LLC students take common courses, which means built-in study groups and neighbors who are also classmates. If you’re a member of an LLC, you will have a seat reserved for you in the common course section.

I believe that pairing us with people with the same major allows us to help those who are in need of help. The living learning community was helpful for me since there were times where I could ask those around me for help in assignments, classes and other things.

Living in the Sankofa LLC has been a great opportunity. The LLC provided me with a great number of friends who have turned into a lasting family. The question is, will I be living in the LLC again? And the answer is yes.

I thought living in the Science and Health LLC was great! Being around students who were taking the same classes made it super easy to find someone to study with and to make friends too.

Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)

Chicano Programs
Computer Science and Technology
Criminal Justice
Fine Arts
Global Village

Professional Golf Management (PGM)
Sankofa Black Culture LLC
Science and Health
Social Sciences
Sports in Society

Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)

Where is it? Garcia West

What classes do we take together? ACES 1120

Who lives here? First-year students in any major within the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences

What makes this community special? According to our students, the best part about the ACES LLC is that it is so large and so diverse. There are many different types of majors and different students to connect with. “I like that there are many activities to be a part of and that we get placed into rooms and sections with people studying similar degrees.” And “I enjoyed being around people who had the same interests as me; I was able to create several good friends that I now share much of my time with.”

What are some of the activities the community has done? ACES Night Out, ACES study session with the professor; roping in the patio; potting plants



Where is it? Piñon

What classes do we take together? BUSA 1110

Who lives here? First-year students in any major within the College of Business, as well as Ag Econ, Ag Business, CTFM (Clothing, Textile, and Fashion Merchandising), and HRTM (Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management

What makes this community special? Students in the Business LLC build strong friendships because of shared classes and similar career goals. Events and activities are tailored to the interests of students in Business majors and there is excellent involvement from caring, knowledgeable faculty.

What are some of the activities the community has done? dless Possibilities with Business, Ethics Certification, Human Monopoly



Where is it? Rhodes Garrett Hamiel Hall (RGH)

What classes do we take together? FYEX 1131 and FYEX 1132

Who lives here? First-year students who have been accepted to the College Assistance Migrant Program

What makes this community special? The CAMP LLC is a place for students to find a home away from home and bond over shared experiences. Events and activities promote student success and awareness of opportunities available on campus.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Elote-ria (learning to play Loteria while enjoying a delicious elote bar), Self-Care Workshop.

Chicano Programs

Where is it? Rhodes Garrett Hamiel Hall (RGH)

What classes do we take together? BEST 1110G

Who lives here? First-year students of any major who have an interest in Chicanx or Latinx/Latine history and culture. This community is open to students of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

What makes this community special? The Chicano Programs Living Learning Community (LLC) is a supportive environment where students who share interest in exploring, celebrating, and being deeply connected with Latinx culture can live together and participate in programs that promote their academic, social, and personal development. The Chicano Programs LLC is designed to enhance residents’ sense of belonging at NMSU while also examining local, national, and global issues relevant to Latinx culture.

What are some of the activities the community has done? This is a brand new LLC! Examples of activities may include attending events hosted by Chicano Programs or the Hispanic Council, conversations about portrayal of Latinx characters in films and television, guest speakers, and other exciting activities.


Computer Science and Technology

Where is it? Juniper Hall

What classes do we take together? Coming Soon

Who lives here? First-year students majoring in Computer Science, Pre-CMI, Cybersecurity, Information and Communication Technology, Information Engineering Technology, and students who are interested in computers or technology.

What makes this community special? Technology is critical to every career field and central to our everyday lives. In this LLC, students will explore how technology and art are interconnected, discover majors and careers related to technology, and feel at home with tech-savvy neighbors.

What are some of the activities the community has done? This is a brand new LLC! Examples of activities may include participating in coding competitions, gaming tournaments, inviting guest speakers from tech-related careers and majors, or hosting discussions about hot topics related to technology.

Criminal Justice

Where is it? Garcia East

What classes do we take together? CJUS 1110G and ARSC 1110

Who lives here? First-year Criminal Justice majors

What makes this community special? Residents of the Criminal Justice LLC have opportunities for hands-on learning while connecting with peers who are in the same classes. Students study together and work closely with passionate faculty to see all the opportunities their major has to offer. Also, students get to take an exclusive class only offered to residents of the LLC!

What are some of the activities the community has done? Meet & Greet with Criminal Justice Department Head, Prison Tour field trip



Where is it? Garcia West

What classes do we take together? CEPY 1160 and COMM 1115

Who lives here? First-year students majoring in teacher education

What makes this community special? According to our students, the best part of the Education LLC is the diversity of the majors and the variety of perspectives this brings. Residents build relationships over common courses and experiences in the College of Education while enjoying a wide variety of activities to cater to the broad range of interests in the LLC.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Sundaes and Schedule Building, Indigenous Peoples Day, Abstract Art Night, Mental Health Night, Building Financial Literacy.



Where is it? Garcia East

What classes do we take together? This LLC does not require a common course.

Who lives here? First-year students in any major within the College of Engineering

What makes this community special? In the words of our students: “I feel one of the best parts of the Engineering LLC is the camaraderie and friendships built as the students pioneer throughout rigorous semesters. The Engineering LLC creates a sense of home and belonging among the students, and it encourages them to try new things and to socialize with the diverse peers within the community.” “I think the best part of the engineering LLC is that it allows the residents to feel more included in their living community. The residents here all know each other due to common classes. This sense of commonality allows for better personal connections and they can rely on each other to help one another with the class work.” And, “I feel living in the LLC was a great help academically and socially to my transition from high school to NM State.”

What are some of the activities the community has done? Building a marshmallow launcher, 365 Days ‘til Elections, Egg drop competitions, Study nights, Pizza with Engineering Professors, Study Skills and Time Management workshop, Engineering Club info night.


Fine Arts

Where is it? Garcia East

What classes do we take together? This LLC does not require a common course

Who lives here? First-year students in any major who have an interest in fine arts, as well as those majoring in Music, Theatre, Dance, Journalism, English, Studio Art, Art History, or CMI.

What makes this community special? The Fine Arts LLC is a place where creativity flows. The community is home to different types of artist such as actors, animators, writers, musicians, film makers, and more. The LLC sets students up for success by pairing the community with a creative Faculty Fellow and keeping residents’ artistic interest in mind when planning events. The best part is that making friends is easy because students already have things in common

What are some of the activities the community has done? Paint and Sip, Improv night


Global Village

Where is it? Vista Del Monte Apartments

What classes do we take together? This LLC does not require a common course.

Who lives here? Sophomores and above with an international interest, as well as international and exchange students from around the world.

What makes this community special? Global Village is a vibrant community where students from the US who have an international interest are paired with roommates from around the globe. The purpose of the community is for students to participate in cultural exchange opportunities that are both fun and informative.

What are some of the activities the community has done? International potlucks, Trips to the Farmers & Crafts Market of Las Cruces, Hiking local scenic areas, Attending NMSU sporting events, and Cooking classes.



Where is it? Garcia East

What classes do we take together? HNRS 1115

Who lives here? First-year Crimson Scholars in any major

What makes this community special?

Living in the Honors LLC provides an academically-focused living space where students from diverse majors live together and share a common goal of scholastic achievement. Students can look forward to personalized interactions with Honors College staff as well as social programs where they can get to know other students from a variety of backgrounds and majors.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Honors College picnic, Registration prep, Making Mason jar jack-o-lanterns



Where is it? Garcia East

What classes do we take together? ARSC 1120

Who lives here? Participants in the Aggie Jumpstart program

What makes this community special? Jumpstart students arrive to campus early and get to build a sense of community before the hustle and bustle of the semester begins. This LLC is focused on making the most of your college experience, getting comfortable with all NMSU has to offer, and building supportive friendships that will last a lifetime.

What are some of the activities the community has done? This is a brand new LLC! Examples of activities may include attending sporting events or performances on campus, scavenger hunts of hidden gems on campus, guest speakers about college success, study groups, and more!



Where is it? Garcia West

What classes do we take together? NURS 110

Who lives here? First-year Pre-Nursing majors

What makes this community special? According to students, the best part of the Nursing LLC is that it allows residents to build social and academic connections with people who are also Pre-Nursing majors. One said, “It was a great way to meet new people and connect with one another, especially since you all major in the same things.” Meeting and living with people who are also pursuing a nursing degree helps students build confidence and prepare for applying for the Nursing program. It allows residents to make connections with people they can create study groups with during their prerequisite courses and ultimately their Nursing courses. Plus, residents in this LLC get to take an exclusive course with Nursing faculty in their first semester!

What are some of the activities the community has done? How to Save a Life CPR crash course, Pre-Nursing Advising Tips & Tricks

Professional Golf Management (PGM)

Where is it? Piñon Hall

What classes do we take together? MKTG 180

Who lives here? First-year PGA Golf Management majors

What makes this community special? Residents of the PGM LLC spend time together in class, at tournaments, studying, and socializing. They have a high level of involvement from their program faculty and support each other in the classroom and on the course. From a student: “It has been really exciting being part of such a small community where everyone shares the same goal that they can all work and build each other up to achieve.”

What are some of the activities the community has done? PGM study night with the professor, Tournament goodie bags, Peaceful Problem Solving

Sankofa Black Culture LLC

Where is it? Cervantes Village

What classes do we take together? This LLC does not require a common course

Who lives here? Sophomores and above in any major, from any ethnic and cultural background who have an interest in Black culture

What makes this community special? The Sankofa BlackThe Sankofa Black Culture Living Learning Community (LLC) is a supportive environment where students who share interest in exploring, celebrating, and being deeply connected with Black culture can live together and participate in programs that promote their academic, social, and personal development. The Sankofa LLC is designed to enhance residents’ sense of belonging at NMSU while also examining local, national, and global issues relevant to Black culture.
Click here to learn more.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Black Programs Homecoming tailgate, Movie night exploring representation of Black characters in horror films, Self-care workshop


Science and Health

Where is it? Garcia West

What classes do we take together? BIOL 2610 (lecture, lab, and workshop)

Who lives here? First-year students majoring in Biology, Microbiology, Kinesiology, Nutrition Education, Dietetics, Athletic Training, Ag Bio, Communication Disorders, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Genetics, or Biotechnology.

What makes this community special? Because the range of majors in this LLC are broad, yet interconnected, residents bring a variety of interests and perspectives to the community. Residents connect over meals, through study groups, and by attending class together.

What are some of the activities the community has done? El Paso zoo trip, Ice cream social with a fun chromosome activity

Social Sciences

Where is it? Garcia West

What classes do we take together? COMM 1115

Who lives here? First-year students majoring in Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography (Human-Environment Relationships Concentration), FCS, Criminal Justice, Public Health, Social Work, Counseling and Community Psychology, or Government.

What makes this community special? The social sciences are a remarkably interdependent group of majors and the community gives residents no shortage of chances to embrace that. Students study together and share what they’ve learned in their interrelated majors.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Social Sciences trivia night, Pasta-Tivity (writing kind notes to each other while dining on a catered pasta dinner).

Sports in Society

Where is it? Piñon Hall

What classes do we take together? CEPY 1160

Who lives here? First-year students majoring in kinesiology, student athletes of any major, and any student with an interest in sports or athletics.

What makes this community special? Sports have a significant role in culture and often reflect our values as a society. In the Sports in Society LLC, students who are interested in athletics – either as a player or fan – will be part of a community where they are surrounded by others who enjoy watching, participating in, and discussing sports as well as students who want to pursue sport-related careers and majors.

What are some of the activities the community has done? Balanced Meals with My Plate, Stretching for Sleep, Trivia Nights, and attending sporting events on campus.


For additional information regarding Living Learning Communities, please contact the Department of Housing & Residential Life at (575) 646-3202. Living Learning Community offerings and qualifications are subject to change.